I Took a Break From Medium To Build My Fiverr Business

Here’s what I’ve learned and how it’s going.

Jordan Peden
9 min readJul 12, 2021
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

I know, you super care a lot about my freelance endeavors. You want to know all about the ins and outs of the work I’ve been doing and what could have possibly been so consuming it prohibited me from keeping up with my Medium presence- what very insignificant Medium presence I had anyways. Well the wait is over. I’m here to fill you in on the juicy details of what it’s been like pimping my writing skills out on Fiverr.

When I first decided to take the leap and make writing my sort of full-time gig (Fiverr pun intended) alongside raising my giant, wild, and currently sleep-averse almost one year old, I read tons of articles on how to start a freelancing career from scratch. Most of them suggested creating a profile on freelance market places like Fiverr and Upwork, so that’s exactly what I did.

I had no idea what I was doing or how to go about creating a gig. It couldn’t be that hard, right? Being a millennial does have its perks, and one of them is the ability to teach yourself how to use pretty much any software or technology. So I played around with it, checked out other profiles, and got to work.

It took me about three days before I had something I felt confident about making public. I didn’t want to…



Jordan Peden

Philomath and multi-genre writer of my own experiences and interests, which are many.