Do You Need A Course Correction?

Jordan Peden
10 min readMar 7, 2021

Let self-rediscovery guide you to authentic living and working in a post-pandemic world.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

When I was in sixth grade, my language arts teacher asked us to write a story in our journals. I think it was Halloween or something. When the time was up, she asked if anyone wanted to share. I raised my hand, and I read my story to the class. After I finished, I heard whispers from around the room.

That was really good.

Wow, that’s way better than mine.

I didn’t know she could write like that.

Nobody did. I had been writing for as long as I could remember. Journaling, stories, poems, everything. It was all just for me, though. It was something that I loved and something I had never shared with anybody else until that day.

As my teacher dismissed us, she asked me to stay back for a moment. She asked me what classes I was in and if I was in any ‘honors’ classes. I told her that I was in honors reading, and she told me she thought I needed to be in honors writing, too. The very next day I had a new schedule.

I loved my new class. I felt challenged by the work and by my new classmates. I felt motivated to improve and do better and to share what I could do. Above all, I felt proud.



Jordan Peden

Philomath and multi-genre writer of my own experiences and interests, which are many.